
Winter Illnesses Affecting Camels in the UAE and the Role of Veterinary Medicine Suppliers in Dubai

Pneumonia:veterinary medicine suppliers in dubai

Cool, having lots of rain, in the winter can induce pneumonia in camels. Cough, wheezing and difficulty in breathing are the signs of pneum-onia.  Vaccination, proper housing they could aid in avoiding pneumonia.

Infectious Diseases in Camels: Addressing Concerns with Veterinary Medicine Suppliers in Dubai

Diseases such as mites and ticks seem to be common in the winter causing, hair and skin problems leading to loss. Regular state of cleanliness and managing parasites are essential.

Infectious Diseases in cameles

Respiratory diseases:

When the winter cold come and camels, are nearer to one another, respiratory disease probability rises. Camel Respiratory Syndrome (CRS) might cause depression, cough, lack of appetite. Prevention is the key since there is obviously no remedy for things like camelid pox and more camel illnesses including CRS.

Foot rot:

Extra wetness from the winter rains can lead the camel’s foot to get rotten, a disease of bacterial nature this creates swellings on the feet and induces pain in the stomach. Good cleaning habits along with dry bedding can assist in avoiding foot rot.camel foot rot infection
Here’s How Veterinary Medicine Suppliers in Dubai Address Foot Rot in Cattle

1. Sudden lame­ness, showing they’re re­ally hurting
2. High body heat
3. Puffy places betwe­en their toes, hoof top, and along the­ coronary band.
4. This puffiness may make toes spre­ad more than they should.

5. Dead, sme­lly tissue betwee­n the toes
A smaller appe­tite
These signs could be­ like other usual cattle foot issue­s.veterinary medicine suppliers in dubai



Diseases Due to Summer Heat: Impacts on Camels and Support from Veterinary Medicine Suppliers in Dubai

Heat Stress:

Exposure to sunlight for extended periods, can lead camels to get stressed due to summer heat. Providing shade, adequate water rectally, and correct ventilation can help avert heat stress.

Tick-borne diseases:

For ticks; summer season is a major one, ticks can give diseases like theileriosis and anaplasmosis onto camels. Frequent checks for ticks should be done.


Heat of summer might cause diseases leading the camels, to experience weight loss and digestive troubles. Regular deworming and monitoring stool patterns are helpful in controlling these diseases.


Camels can get easily dehydrated under hot conditions, especially if they lack enough water. Maintaining water intake and supplementing with electrolytes they can assist, in preventing dehydration.veterinary medicine suppliers in dubai


Heat of summer might cause diseases leading the camels, to experience weight loss and digestive troubles. Regular deworming and monitoring stool patterns are helpful in controlling these diseases.

Contribution by Dubai Veterinary Medicine Suppliers

As one of Dubai’s most professional suppliers of veterinary drugs, Wadi-Elhgn Veterinary Medicine supplier(Trading) LLC provides a wide range of medications and supplements for camels and other animals. These medicine suppliers play an important role in providing the necessary veterinary drugs and other preventive measures for camel diseases in the UAE. Wadi-Elhgn Veterinary Medicine Trade works hand in hand with veterinarians and camel owners. Their objective is to help assure the camel’s health and welfare.


Across the dry, scorched landscapes in, specifically in the UAE of the GCC, Camels is a highly valued animal, however they are also facing a cluster of health issues, and that vary as per the seasonal changes. Come winter time and risks such as foot rot and ‘pneumonia’, are being posed due to the rise in humidity. Meanwhile, the intense summer heat is, takes a toll causing dehydration and heat stress! Conditions like these initiates weight reduction, coupled with skin complications, and don’t even get me started on the problems caused due to ticks and parasites.

There is a kind of people in Dubai, who goes by the profession of veterinary medicine suppliers in Dubai just like Wadi-Elhgn Veterinary Medicine Trade, plays a kind of vital role that involves fighting off these illnesses and stuff. They have a variety of medical products and supplements, that are designed exclusively for camels, their aim is to help in preventing diseases, as well as treating them. They are working hand in hand which is pretty crucial with veterinarians! Not forgetting the camel owners too, all with the goal of ensuring the overall wellbeing of the camels.

To comprehend the patterns of health that fluctuate with seasons. And to adopt preventive measures is of utmost importance; for people who own camels. By establishing a business relationship with veterinary medicine suppliers situated in Dubai: Miller’s tale is a popular short story in British literature, camel owners can help themselves? With the essential tools and expertise, in order to protect their camels and allow them to adapt and survive in the harsh weather conditions of the GCC region.

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